Friday, September 5, 2008

Sandra Day High School Golf Match

I love golf, I love to play it, I love to watch it, pros or not I love golf, so when the O'Conner boys were playing a high school match at the 500 Club I decided to go check them out, My son Trevor played for the team back when he was in high school (class of 2006) so I was quietly cheering for Sandra Day, quietly because golf is the "Gentleman's Game" no cheer leaders or fancy cheers just the quiet "golf clap" the "good putt" or "nice hit" just loud enough for the player to hear. The match was on the back nine, and the of the team played the Futures course so I took a few shots of them too. I enjoyed the afternoon but not the mosquitoes, I had to leave before the scores were totaled so I don't even know who won, maybe someone can tell me.


Annie Miller said...

Sweet pics! Love that first action shot especially.

Paige Field said...
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Paige Field said...

Of course O'Connor won! Great shots Karla!

Lacie said...

You are so blessed to have grand kids that bring you so much joy. You must have a very special son-in-law.