Monday, February 8, 2010

Picture Book

Willard what did you think of the story I read you last night?  I thought it was great.  Did you see the little mice on each page?  Wonder what they were up to?

Chicks and Salsa    by Aaron Reynolds
What a cute story, a must read in my book.

Picture Book

Willard this has to be one of your favorites, right?  Don't you love the way those chickens know just what needs to be done?

Chickens to the Rescue  by John Himmelman

This book cracks me up, I would love to have these chickens at my house.  This is one of my favorites for sure.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What do ya know?

So Willard, I was out and about yesterday looking for books, which I seem to be doing a lot lately, anyway this lady, a complete stranger says to me "I love your hair style".  I said thanks and moved along still looking for books but couldn't help thinking "what is it with this hair cut? even my husband and my kids like it."  It's been years since I had a cut that I liked, and could make it look the way I wanted it to look every day.  How long to you think it will last before I take the scissors and start whacking away?  Anyone who knows me all knows that I have a hard time leaving the scissors in the drawer.  That's the thing about hair it grows.  But for now I'll just enjoy it.  Hey Willard need a trim?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Picture Book

Willard I know it's cold out side but try to listen here, this is a cute story.

Geffrey Groundhog Predicts the Weather by Bruce Koscielniak

Oh . . . and by the way on February 2nd the groundhog did see his shadow so lucky for us there will be 6 more weeks of winter.  I know my sister in Idaho was wishing the little guy would have left his shadow in his den, sorry Linda you'll have to wait a little longer for spring to get to Idaho.