Karla! I found your blog through Amber's blog that you gave me. I had no idea you were a photographer! You are so amazing! I'm glad to be your visiting teacher... you DO have a lot to teach me!
My sister in law Kathy set arranged for you to take our family pictures Sunday. I love your pictures. I'm excited for you to do ours. We would like our own families pictures & if you have any spare time a few of our kids. Our youngest turns 3 Friday & our oldest turns 10 the end of the month... Here is my blog site for you to check out.. brenwhiz.blogspot.com I'm sure your going to do amazing pictures. Thanks in advance
Karla! I found your blog through Amber's blog that you gave me. I had no idea you were a photographer! You are so amazing! I'm glad to be your visiting teacher... you DO have a lot to teach me!
My sister in law Kathy set arranged for you to take our family pictures Sunday. I love your pictures. I'm excited for you to do ours. We would like our own families pictures & if you have any spare time a few of our kids. Our youngest turns 3 Friday & our oldest turns 10 the end of the month... Here is my blog site for you to check out.. brenwhiz.blogspot.com I'm sure your going to do amazing pictures. Thanks in advance
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